I had always wanted to be ble to search just the best SEO blogs and websites from the web so I could cut through all the garbage that is out there. What’s a guy to do though? Well, thanks to Google I can create my own Custom Search Engine and pick and choose which sites I want in my search engine as well as assigning refinements and even weighting of the sites. How friggen cool is that huh?
It is loaded with the top SEO blogs/websites and is great for research and learning. If you are looking for SEO information and want to get right to the best stuff from the pros… check it outIf this works out I am going to put up some others I have that search Social Media Marketing, Buzz Monitoring set up and more… let me know what you think
At the moment, it searches the following sites;
the LinkSpiel, Sebastians Pamphlets, Hamlet Batista, TopRank, Search Engine Journal, Sphinn, HuoMah (duh), SEO Book Blog, SEO by the Sea, SEO-Theory, the MadHat, Search Engine Land, VanGogh, Search Engine People, Cornwall SEO, Search Engine Watch, Marketing Pilgrim, Bruce Clay Blog, SEOmoz Blog, SEO Scoop, 10e20, Jennifer Slegg, John Andrews, Wolf Howl, Small Business SEM, Hobo SEO, Joost DeValk, SEO Scientist
the SEO Search Engine
source :http://seo.site-reference.com
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5 komentar:
happy sunday, :) :) :) hopefully healthy http://marketvaluer.blogspot.com/
Thx for your article .. great nice
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kasi komentar dan gw juga akan sering2 mampir diblog temen..
thanks for visiting :)
Nice and useful posting....
good posting...i linke ur blog....^_^
keep blogging okay????
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