JAKARTA, WEDNESDAY - Maximal information technology to remote rural areas through the e-economy and e-health is expected to be implemented starting next year. Therefore the development of infrastructure to support the services continue to be built.
"If the infrastructure is built and finished evenly in all of Indonesia made new use of socialization," said the Ministry of communication and information Muhammad Nuh in the exposure Depkominfo performance in 2008 in Jakarta, Wednesday (31/12).
He explained, the service will be supported development of the universal service obligation system (Universal Service Obligation / USO). Besides being used for telephone service, Universal Service Obligation / USO also be used to access the Internet with a capacity of 64 kbps. The system will be connected between the regions in Indonesia to the corner-corner.
In addition, Depkominfo will expand the reach of these services with the provision of public access car (M-CAP) as many as 32 units that will be placed in all provinces in Indonesia. "Each unit can serve as telecom shops and cafe," said Noah.
Once the infrastructure is ready, Noah information, dissemination of the e-economy and e-health will be implemented. Benefits of the e-economy to be later pembaayaran tax, financial transactions, and so forth in the two places that sometimes even.
While e-health can be used for communication facilities and doctors antarpasien which is quite far. Face-to-face can also be done through this service. "Come the process of diagnosis can be made by the doctor to the patient without having to meet directly," says Noah.
Source : http://tekno.kompas.com
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