By : JR Raphael, PC World
Microsoft Windows 7 beta is available once again for public download. Microsoft was forced last week to halt the download availability of Windows 7 beta code after a rush of Internet traffic crippled its servers.
Over the weekend Microsoft resumed download availability of Windows 7 beta code. Originally Microsoft was going to limit the number of total downloads of its beta code to 2.5 million. But because of the SNAFU Windows communications manager Brandon LeBlanc said the company would allow unlimited downloads of the OS for the next two weeks.
Below we've compiled all the information you need to understand what's different with the Windows 7 beta and decide whether it's the right option for you.
Windows 7 Beta Download
Microsoft initially released the Windows 7 beta Friday afternoon, but the massive user response caused Microsoft's servers to buckle under the pressure. Following the addition of extra "infrastructure support," the files are now back online in the following locations:
• Windows 7 beta: Official Microsoft page
Microsoft's complete collection of Windows 7 news, videos, Q&As, and official download information.
• Windows 7 beta TechNet download page
The official download site for Windows 7 via Microsoft's TechNet Evaluation Center.
For a more detailed FAQ on how to get Windows 7 beta read on here.
All About Windows 7 Beta
Here are some stories that may help paint a better picture of the Windows 7 beta operating system and what you can expect to experience:
• Windows 7 Public Beta: First Impressions
A detailed look at what's new in Windows 7 beta and some first day impressions by PC World's Robert Strohmeyer.
• Microsoft Windows 7: A Closer Look at Your Next OS?
A slideshow tour of the new Microsoft operating system, featuring images released shortly before the beta announcement.
• Windows 7 Beta: Should You Try It?
Some things to consider as you weigh whether it's worth installing the Windows 7 beta.
• Video: A Tour of Windows 7 Beta
PC WorldSenior Editor Denny Arar takes you through the changes and features in the Windows 7 OS.
• Windows 7: Less of a Resource-Hog Than Vista
Some technical information about Windows 7's stripped down resource requirements compared to the Vista operating system.
• Under the Hood, Windows 7 is Vista's Twin
One writer's impression that Windows 7 is basically Vista with a new face.
• Windows 7's Better Backup Features
A positive review of Windows 7's revamped file backup system.
• Bloggers Sneak a Peak at Windows 7
Early impressions of the new beta, based on leaks tested by various bloggers.
• Windows 7 First Look: A Big Fix for Vista
An exhaustive, in-depth analysis of what's ahead for Windows 7's first full release.
Of course, the real judge of Windows 7 is you. If you decide to give the beta version a test drive, let us know what you think. You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
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3 bulan yang lalu
3 komentar:
weq, what a...
windows 7 beta release ?
wow, i wonder know what kind windows is that...
let see it when i have a new lifebook..LOL (lot of lough)
T_T my computer old type, any people wanna give me life book ? :P
It's very interesting and attempting to try...
Thanks for the rich articles about Windows 7...
Cheers, frizzy2008.
Thanksn for teh info Olivia..
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