Global financial crisis that occurred when this evil spirit will also impact to our countries. Like, we must be smart out-smart the fact is, one is to make savings by minimizing expenditure budget and expenditure. That was our often many light lamps, start to use. If previous board often only a motor home to go to the neighbors, start with walking. Savings can we do in the use of bandwidth, especially when we know the bandwidth in Indonesia is still very expensive.
In the face of this situation when we try to provide a new breakthrough in the AVI and is a technology that was first applied by the local anti-virus at this time. Now AVI can update the server via a local (workstation update) so that each computer on the network connected to the local server can update without the need to connect directly with the Internet. This will make use of the bandwidth can be minimized, especially on a network computer that has many clients such as the cafe and offices.
Working concept Workstation Update
How the workstation update is quite simple. In a network must have 1 computer that serves as the server and must be connected to the Internet. When there are updates, then this is a server that will download and save them. After that the server will provide notification to each client that is connected to immediate update, and each client will be to update the download data on the server.
How much bandwidth savings by using this method? Let's kalkulasikan. For example, in an office, there are 30 client computer that is connected to the Internet and each attached AVI. If every day to update AVI file size of 100KB, when all the computer through the Internet to update the need (30x100KB) 3000KB. That is just one day. If multiplied by one month, then the required bandwidth of about 107MB. Compare using workstation update. Because I need bandwidth of 100KB per day, so in one month only takes 2.5 MB. With so we have to save up to 105MB of bandwidth per month!
To be able to use the update feature workstations are some steps you should do:
1. Install the update server workstation AVI
AVI workstation-server update to more easily selanjutnnya we call Auserv-only is the form of application programs that must run on the local server. Auserv made use of Java so that it can run on many different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. With the conditions must be installed JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The first step before running Auserv is make sure that your operating system already installed JRE. Open the console (on Windows can manner Start Menu> Run and type cmd) in the console window type: java-version Press enter, the text appears when approximately as follows: java version "1.6.0_07" Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06) Java Hotspot (TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode, sharing) means that the JRE is installed, but if it does not appear as the above means that you need to install the first. To install it manually, you must first download the JRE paketan you can get from or you can get a DVD in the JRE InfoKomputer this month.
2. Running Auserv
Extract the files to where you want. We recommend placing a file on the extraction of storage media that still has a large free space, because Auserv will save each update information to the media storage. After that you can run it directly. When you use the Windows operating system, Auserv can be run directly by double click on the file auserv.jar, or can also run through the console, by typing the command: java-jar auserv.jar the Linux operating system, if you want to Auserv running in the background screen (background) tambahkanlah & signs at the end of the command, for example: java-jar auserv.jar &
3. Configuration
After you successfully run Auserv the new window appears, click Settings. In the Settings window fill the server with, then try to check the connection by clicking the button Test Connection. Next on the contents of Port port number that you want to use, the default value is 2194. In the Clear log in with a maximum content of the line will be written in the log window, the default value is 3000. In the Save to log you can skip, but when you activate it written that every incident in the log will be saved as a file. In the Password content with a unique password (default is admin). This password is required only if you want to turn off the process by remote Auserv use Telnet (Auserv about the operation of the remote may be discussed on other opportunities). Finally on the MAX Clients, with fill-digit limit how much the maximum number of connections that will be received at one time (the default 30). Click Save to save the changes you have made. Then click the Enable button to start the service.
The settings in the Client
After the configuration on the server is finished, now turn on the client side. AVI run the latest version (currently v2.0.9 BETA 3), select Settings tab (Settings in the Indonesian language), and select Update on the configuration. Then in the Update settings, there are two selection methods update the update directly via the main server and workstation via Update; select Update via workstations. Next Update on the workstation settings, the content server address with the host name or IP address of the server where Auserv was installed, do not forget the contents of the port with the same port number that you have configured the Auserv. Finally click the Check to make sure the server configuration that we have made is correct, if everything is successful it will be shown the information server, like the following:
Server information: AVI 0.0.1 update workstations running on the server: Linux 2.6.24-16-generic i686
Examples of such information is obtained from the server with a Linux operating system Ubuntu. Up here means everything has been running successfully.
Source :
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