TELKOMSELFlash is an Internet service without cable (wireless) provided by the TELKOMSEL for all customers (kartuHALO, sympathy and Card As). This service is supported by HSDPA/3G/EDGE/GPRS TELKOMSEL technology that can download speed up to 3.6 Mbps.
TELKOMSELFlash offers a new experience in the network to connect high speed internet access and location that can be done anywhere in the network HSDPA/3G/EDGE/GPRS Telkomsel.
TELKOMSELFlash provide benefits to customers, namely:
EASY controlled
Unlimited package with the choice, you can use the Internet without the worry sepuasnya with the time limit and the excess cost of access. For your prepaid card users (or simPATI As Card), you can more easily control the use of the Internet and choose your package with time-based (Time-Based)
You can use the card to register & TELKOMSEL any good kartuHALO, or simPATi Card As.
High speed
You can enjoy experience with the Internet access speeds of up to 3.6 Mbps.
Network coverage THE AREA
Internet access anywhere, anytime, 3G/HSDPA network coverage in Telkomsel.
Time Based Promo access to the package:
Telkomsel through Product TELKOMSELFlash now bidding to provide attractive packages for access to time-based (Time-Based):
Package Access Rp 30,000 for 3 hours, the active (early): 1 day, extended into the active: 3 days
Package Access to Rp 100,000 for 24 hours, the active (early): 7 days, extendable to be active: 12 days
The Nokia 6210 HSDPA bundling Package
TELKOMSEL through TELKOMSELFlash products now offer packages bundling with the HSDPA Nokia 6210 mobile phone. Get 1GB bonus for each purchase of the Nokia 6210 with the conduct activation bonus through SMS to 3636.
Activating BONUS:
SIM card entries has been available in the package into the Nokia 6210 mobile phone
Make the SIM card registration in accordance with the instructions given
After the SIM card is active, send SMS to 3636 with the format: Data bonus, for example: Data bonuses.
After successfully you will receive SMS information on the status of your bonus package.
Checks the status of the package, the use of information, and the effect can be done through:
Data info and send to 3636: to know the rest of the period and apply your bonus package.
* # 887: to know the amount of data terkahir (in Kb).
* # 889: to know the rest of your bonus package.
Terms and conditions;
1GB bonus package is valid 30 days since the customers do the activation bonus.
Excess use of 1GB during the period of active package (30 days) tariff charged Rp.1 / Kb, after a period ending on the excess use of the normal rate Rp.5 / Kb.
Activation of the bonus made on 9 September 2008 s / d 31 December 2008, if done outside the activation date, the activation of the bonus can not be done and the bonus will be scorched.
Card used to activate the card simPATI bonus is that there is someone in the packaging.
3 (three) days before the period ended pelangggan active it will be given notification via SMS
After a period ending on the bonus package, so customers can purchase packages such as time based or volume based prepaid
Small Volume Denomination Plan
Now Telkomsel provides Flash-based package volume for prepaid card users (As sympathy and cards). Customers can easily enjoy this service by simply sending SMS to 3636. You can use this package to chat, browse and buy content directly from mobile phones without additional cost Rp 5/kb access. In addition, you can also use this package through the laptop / PC to chat, browse, download and social networking.
One Time Purchase (Valid one time, not automatically be extended)
Send SMS: Flash On price packages to 3,636
Example: On Flash 100,000 or Flash On 100k to send 3,636
Subscription (Extended active during the packet out) Send SMS: Flash Sub price packages to 3,636
Example: Flash or Flash 100,000 Sub Sub 100k to send 3,636
Use the past can be checked through * 887 #
The status of packages can be found by typing SMS: Flash Info send to 3636
The remaining packages can be checked, which is owned by 889 *
For customers, one-time purchase, 3 days before it ends on time will be given notification via SMS.
Stop Subscription
Customers who use a subscription package can stop it by typing SMS: Flash send-off to 3636.
Products using these settings APN Telkomsel or on the Internet is generally available in the handset, both in their own mobile phone and PC suite to make the handset as a modem. Therefore, you can enjoy this service without having to change settings on your mobile phone.
There will be a confirmation SMS to the customer when the customer will buy a package or packages to customers
Excess usage when the will is still valid active charged Rp.1/Kb
Pros use outside the active period will be charged the normal GPRS Rp.12/Kb
UNLIMITED PACKAGE (without the modem, without the Contract)
* Regretfully, the Unlimited package for activation while we can not serve
Terms and Conditions
Valid for postpaid customers (kartuHALO) EXCEPT package HALOHybrid
The maximum speed limit applies to the use of the internet fairly 3Gb. After 3Gb, the access speed will be adjusted / lowered into up to 64 kbps (for Basic and Advance package) and up to 128 kbps (for the Pro package)
Registration and activation of the service performed in Grapari TELKOMSEL
Using the APN (Access Point Name): internet, or Telkomsel (sharing)
Prices excluding VAT
This data will be automatically renewed every month (each Billing Cycle) before there is demand from customers stop.
Customers can make the shifts in the package once a month through Grapari in the early period of the Billing Cycle. The last packet data package that is selected will be charged and will be a package that is identified to be extended to the next active period.
The unit is the smallest per kB (For the fair usage 3Gb)
No contract, the customer can unsubscribe at any time through Grapari
Valid only for domestic use (not applicable to International Roaming, this will be billed separately using the volume based)
PACKAGE UNLIMITED FREE MODEM (1 year subscription contract)
* Regretfully, the Unlimited package for activation while we can not serve
Terms and Conditions
Valid for postpaid customers (kartuHALO) EXCEPT package HALOHybrid
The maximum speed limit applies to the use of the internet fairly 3Gb. After 3Gb, the access speed will be adjusted / lowered into up to 64 kbps (for Basic and Advance package) and up to 128 kbps (for the Pro package)
Registration and activation of the service performed in Grapari TELKOMSEL
Using the APN (Access Point Name): internet, or Telkomsel (sharing)
Prices excluding VAT
Customers are bound to the contract for 1 year. Customers can not stop before the program ends. Customers who quit before the contract expires will be penalized, calculated and described in the Declaration Form Subscription below (and click on the download link available).
This data will be automatically renewed every month (each Billing Cycle) before there is demand from customers stop.
Customers can make the shifts in the package once a month through Grapari in the early period of the Billing Cycle. The last packet data package that is selected will be charged and will be a package that is identified to be extended to the next active period.
The unit is the smallest per kB (For the fair usage 3Gb)
Valid only for domestic use (not applicable to International Roaming, this will be billed separately using the volume based)
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