DOS (Disk Operating System) is one of the single-user operating system and single process that does not have a graphical display. In the early development of the IBM PC, this is SO tedapat inside, if not SO this can also be run through the media booting from a diskette.
A popular operating system for this type of MS-DOS, because besides the small capacity of the commands that are used relatively easier when compared with other DOS system.
MS-DOS was made by a company computer manufacturer, called Seattle Computer Products (SCP) in 1980 as a software operating system with the name of Q-DOS (short for Quick and Dirty Operating System), which was renamed the 86 -- DOS, because the Q-DOS can be designed to run on computers with Intel processors 8086. Microsoft also licensed perfect purchase price of 50,000 U.S. dollars from the SCP, and then change the name to MS-DOS. Furthermore, while IBM would launch a personal computer called the IBM PC, Microsoft also licensed to sell MS-DOS to IBM.
IBM and Microsoft released the next version of DOS-version, where a version of IBM dibundel directly with the IBM PC called "IBM PC-DOS" (abbreviation of International Business Machine Personal Computer Disk Operating System). Initially, IBM only use what is feasible to use from MS-DOS released by Microsoft, such as programs or utilities that disertakannya. Therefore, IBM's version is always slower than the released version of MS-DOS. But, MS-DOS version 4.0 is MS-DOS version of the first truly the same as the IBM PC-DOS, because Microsoft is berkonsenstrasi to develop a successor DOS operating system, called OS / 2.
Microsoft, when the license DOS to IBM, signed a license agreement which contains one of poinnya that Microsoft may license MS-DOS to the company other than IBM, and the companies are changing the name of MS-DOS became the name that they use (for example: TandyDOS, Compaq DOS , And others). Most versions of the same version that was developed by Microsoft MS-DOS with it, but Microsoft began to revoke the license agreement so that other companies must use the name MS-DOS, not a name that has previously dikustomisasi. Only IBM provided flexibility to continue using the name of the IBM PC-DOS, not MS-DOS.
MS-DOS is developing quite rapidly, with significant features taken from several other operating systems such as Microsoft Xenix; one of the variants of the UNIX operating system developed by Microsoft and DR-DOS owned by Digital Research, and products such as the other cyfleuster Norton Utilities from Symantec Corporation (adopted products such as Microsoft Disk Defragmenter), PC Tools, from Central Points (adopted products such as Microsoft's Anti-Virus), expanded memory manager or EMM (Expanded Memory Manager) QEMM from Quarterdeck (adopted as the product EMM386), compressed disk (or disk compression) DriveSpace from Stac Electronics, and many other products are adopted.
When the Intel Corporation to introduce a new microprocessor called the Intel 80286, Microsoft and IBM started the project a new operating system called DOS replacement with OS / 2, which essentially is a version of MS-DOS running in Protected mode (protected mode). However, Microsoft left the project OS / 2 is to focus on the development of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT. Digital Research to create a graphical interface called GEM, but is less popular in the IBM PC or compatible. GEM market appeared to get the engine computer Atari ST, but eventually disalip again by Microsoft with a version of Windows 3.0.
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